Friday, May 15, 2009

Grosser than Gross....

I have realized in the past year or so that little boys go beyond my idea of disgusting at times. They take being gross to a whole new level. They are constantly picking their cute little noses and eating their boogies and they have a special knack for getting really dirty as soon as you get them freshly dressed. I am wondering, do little girls do this??? I have always assumed not. My oldest is constantly laughing at himself, and when I ask what is so funny, he tells me things like, "I just passed gas at you."
So needless to say, little Collin thinks everything that Ben does is hysterical and is beginning to be equal in the mess making. I even think it has been a bit worse now that the both of them work together to encourage each other in disgusting endeavors.

So the story goes that this past Tuesday evening I was gone to a hair appointment and Earle was watching the boys. They had gone on a long walk with Earle pulling them in the wagon, and were home for just a few minutes. Earle was tired from the hour long walk and was probably resting on the chair upstairs drinking a glass of ice water when her heard eruptions of laughter coming from the basement. I presume that he also heard the toilet lid slamming down a few times. He ran downstairs to investigate the situation. Both boys were in the bathroom with their faces in the toilet, pretending to be dogs or something and doing motorboats in the toilet water. Earle was disgusted at this and moved them out of the way while scolding them. Wait, it only gets worse. As Earle peeked over the toilet bowl, he saw that Collin had thrown his play cell phone in the toilet. It was also apparent that Ben had peed in the toilet earlier in the day and did not flush. Yes, they were motor-boating in the toilet water with Ben's pee in it! That is sticking their faces in the toilet and blowing bubbles in the pee water. I told you it was disgusting! Earle made a huge deal about how unacceptable it was to put your face in toilet water, or to play in the toilet. Both boys had some suitable punishment and were bathed, and put to bed.
When I got home, Earle relayed the story to me. My first question was, did you brush Collin's teeth? He said he had was the first thing we did when he woke up on Wednesday morning. Yuck!
Have a good weekend!!


  1. oh my.
    i feel bad for you and earle.
    but this made me laugh so hard :)
    and you know, it could be worse...the dogs could have had their heads in the toilet bowl as well...hehe

  2. Haha! Oh my gosh I am grossed out too! This will be one of those stories we tell over and over again at holiday family gatherings... The time the boys lapped Ben's pee out of the Canadian toilet! Haha

  3. Oh that is sooooo disgusting! Better Earle than me. I don't know what i would have done. Probably tried to lysol their mouths or something! At least mine havent' figured out how to do that yet.

  4. Oh my goodness. I have not laughed that hard in a really long time. But you know that I know all too well what you're experiencing. Ah yes, boys will be boys. Check this out - LOL:

  5. You are right boys are gross! At least so far little girls don't do that sort of thing.
