Monday, October 29, 2007

Trunk or Treat and Other Things

Yesterday was an eventful one for us at church. Ben was in rare form and topped it off during the communion/offering time. I was serving and he was causing a scene b/c he wanted to do it with me. We had to get him to go stand with Carrie until it was time for all of the little kids to put their money in the kids offering jars. To make us feel better, our preacher brought his four year old up to say the offering prayer. Ben could not believe that Conner was getting to go up on stage and "preach the gospel" into the microphone (that is his phrase for just about anything that takes place on stage). So after the offering, Ben asked if he could go over to Conner and give him a hug and Carrie thought that would be okay. So Ben (never really intending to go see Conner) headed straight up to the stage and over to the podium and did his best impression of the song leader. Sadly, the song leader was singing from his seat so Ben had center stage all to himself. After the shock of what he had done wore off, I tucked my tail and went up on stage and got him off. Needless to say, we were horrified. Its funny to you all but it wasn't your kid. That's right, we have the little boy that everyone thinks is hilarious and precious b/c of the things he does but is secretly glad that their child doesn't do the same. The lesson here: NEVER trust your 3 year old when they say they want to walk across the church and give one of their friends a hug.

I'm not done there. Lesson #2. For all of you dads, don't teach your kids that it is okay to pee-pee outside. If you do, it is very likely that they will end up doing said trick on the playground at school and you'll be hearing about his new trick from his teacher. That was our surprise today when we picked Ben up from school. I felt horrible because that one was all on me.

Finally, last night was our church's annual Trunk or Treat and we all had a great time. But since I am on a roll with the sage advice, here is Lesson #3 for this post. If you are going to dress up, either for a church Trunk or Treat event or ANYTHING with little kids, please don't wear this costume...

Yeah, I think a few kids (and quite possibly a few adults) went home last night with a new phobia of clowns. There was one little boy who I don't think will ever be quite the same. Ben was a little scared at first but once he realized who was under the mask he was okay taking candy from her (that's right, it was a she under there) but approached with caution. Others were not so lucky.

Collin was the cutest one there and had there been a contest, I'm sure he would have won (I am a little biased though). Here are the rest of the best. Enjoy.

Will you take me home with you?

Hmmm...what do we have here.

Almost there....


A well deserved break. Please tell me we don't have to go back to the clown. Have a Happy Halloween.


  1. Oh, my. Your crazy Ben!

    I can't believe how much Colin looks like Ben in these pictures -- his eyes, anyway!

    Both of them are cute, and yes, even I am going to have nightmares because of that clown.

  2. Thanks for the update. Tell Ben and Collin they were the best looking of anyone and I did not see many.

    Love Mops

  3. Oh boy. Thanks for the parenting lessons! I'll have to tuck these away...our time is coming. Yikes!
