Monday, August 8, 2011

Qualities in a Wife..

One day about a week ago, we were driving home and Collin said, "Hey mom, you know what, when I become a teenager, I think I'm just gonna go ahead and get married."
"No!" Ben interjected. " You do high school first, then college, then you find a wife! You can't get married when you are a teenager."
Collin, "Actually, I think I am going to."
And thus the debate continued the whole way home. We got home and they discussion got more detailed. They wanted to make lists that they could keep adding to, with qualities that they would like to have in their perspective wives. They wanted to pray about the qualities on the list, and store these lists somewhere in the attic?(cracked me up.)

So here are the lists:

Collin's Wife's Qualities:
  • I want a wife that likes to go to McDonald's.
  • I want my wife to look like my mommy. (Bless him!)
  • I want my wife to be cozy.
  • It would be nice if she liked to play soccer.
Ben's Wife's Qualities:
  • I really don't want a wife that works. If she worked then what would our kids do? Well I guess if she really liked working I could hire a babysitter.
  • I want her to have long lighter colored hair.
  • I want to be the boss of her. (oh dear)
  • I want a wife who likes to go on dates to a movie or places where we pick out our own food. :D
  • I want a wife who smiles and laughs most of the time but can be serious.
  • I would like her to wear regular clothes, like jeans and shirts but still wear a little lipstick.
  • I want a wife who goes to church, because I'm going to church.
  • I'll pray for her when the babies are in her belly, so that she won't die, cause then I'll have a baby all by myself and I'll just have to go out and find another wife.
  • I want a wife that has jewels in her personality. ( I kept trying to get him to explain this, but he just kept repeating the same statement. Funny.)
  • And mom, I'm never ever going to get a divorce, so my wife and kids won't have to worry about that.
I hope it all works out for them:).

1 comment:

  1. So awesome. How fun will it be when they are married in the future to look back at these lists and see how close they got :)
