Friday, February 4, 2011


In split second I look over my shoulder.
What in the world is chasing me?
Where has the time gone?
Running from one thing to the next.
Where is my husband? Where are my kids?
Oh, I see them...although they are tiny specks in the distance in front of me surrounded by a beautiful light.
Underneath me my feet run on a large black road with a white strip in the center;
formed by the hand of God, I think.
I look behind me. There are people behind me pushing me. Helping me. Friends, Family, Angels, Randoms.
I look forward and run faster to get to my family and the light. Can I go any faster?
I hear my sons call my name, "MOM!"
Wait, that seemed to come from behind me. I look far behind me. Yes, it is them, but I thought they were in front of me.
What? I look ahead...nothing, but snide snickers and jeers but no being to represent.
An illusion?. Yes.
Who is chasing me?
I look down. The road is all black.
I look behind me again. Wait a second, who are the Randoms?
I've missed something.
Who is chasing me?
Dear Lord, who is chasing me?
Oh. No.
How did I get in front of him?
I look up.
I can't stop, he's behind me and close.
I try to utter "help" but no sound will come out.
I am nauseated. How could I have not known?
I look up.
A hand reaches down and I grab onto it. It pulls me off of the road.
Be still, He tells me. Be still. Wait for him to pass; he can't see you when you are still.
I sit as still as I can and as quiet as I can. I see him run past me down the road. My children are behind him and my husband. They see me and stop and walk to Him and I.
There we sit, still, confused but joyful.

Thank goodness God is a god who saves us and does not confuse us.  Too bad Satan likes to.  I was in a mood to write tonight but had no good is what emerged. Ah well, you know, sometimes getting heavy is okay:)



  1. Probably something you needed to put down in writing to get it off your chest. A beautiful poetic blog. Loved it.

  2. Wow - I was very moved and the worst thing is that I related to this feeling. Thankyou for sharing...miss you, Gerri
