Monday, March 9, 2009

Jesus and the Devil by Ben Brown

This afternoon, Ben and I were drawing pictures, and he wanted to draw one of Jesus. So I asked him to tell me about Jesus...I was interested in what type of concept he had in his head. I was wondering if we had gotten good concepts of Jesus across to Ben. Here are some of the things he said.

Jesus usually gets wonderful food.
Jesus gives toys to people.
He lives in Heaven
Jesus usually comes down to us.
He goes to people's houses everyday and gives wonderful bread to people.
Jesus loves Me, you, daddy and Collin very much.
Jesus wears a white coat and has brown hair and a beard.
Ummm...what about the Devil, what does he look like?
Does the Devil look like a storm or a snake? I think a monster.
The devil scares people...he lives in a cave and there are people walking around outside of the cave and he gets them and eats them for lunch and for dinner.
Jesus is the good guy and the Devil is the bad guy.
Jesus wants to rain on the Devil
Jesus rains on the devil and gets him wet and makes him run back to his cave.

I thought this was pretty funny! Oh what a comes from the mouth of a four year old!

1 comment:

  1. "Jesus is the good guy and the devil is the bad guy" -- I love it!
