Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Beautiful Day for the Park...

Ben throwing a snowball at Earle..
It is great that Ben can now push Collin on the swings....but oh wait, we still push Ben!
Ben trying desperately to get Earle's attention with more snowballs...from a picnic table....what is it about boys and throwing snow???

I am pretty sure, with the evidence from this picture that Earle got Ben back!! Don't worry, he was laughing, not was soft snow!

Well, this afternoon, while I unpacked groceries from the store, we thought it would be a good day for the kids to walk down to the park with Earle. It was in the mid-30s today and the sun was out, and we were in need of them to run for a while and get to play. The past three Saturday evenings, we have had big snows, so I am getting a feeling we may still have it for the next month or two. We have kind of learned, if you get a nice day, you need to take advantage of it because tomorrow may not be!! Earle took the camera, and in looking at the pics, it looks like he and Ben were involved in snowball fights the whole time! I hope you all are enjoying the Spring in the U.S.! I am really a little jealous of the fact that you have snow less playgrounds to play on! But, we are figuring out how to "make it work" anyway!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


  1. Snow-less playground ARE nice...but what FUN memories your kiddos will have of all that snow. Conner would do anything to get to play in snow like that!

  2. Love the pictures! Okay, now I know to be thankful for the playgrounds. The worst things we have to deal with here in Texas are mounds of fire ants, not mounds of snow. I mean, it would be fun for a day or two, but yes, I too would be ready for flip flops. At least you don't have to be donning your swimsuit too soon! YIKES!!! Collin is so cute and Banff looks beautiful. What a neat place to stay in! Awesome picture at the top of the blog too! Wow! Glad you finally took the dates off the camera:P

  3. Love that cute pic of Collin and Ben in the car. I bet they are playing great together!
