Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring Fun!

The boys have had a great week playing outside! We have been to the park on many occasions. Ben has really enjoyed playing with his spiderman web blaster that Jennie got for him, and the big news, sweet Collin finally started pulling up and actually crawling a crawl instead of an army crawl!! Just thought I would share a few pics! Hope everyone has been able to enjoy the awesome weather before it gets too hot!!! Have a great week!


  1. What is it about little boys and spiderman? I guess it's sort of like the Disney princesses for little girls.

  2. Okay, so I must know about this spiderman web blaster. What is it, where do you get it, etc. Micah is totally into spiderman...

  3. I love the new pics! Your boys are getting big. :(
