Friday, October 16, 2009

6 funny things about Collin

6. I know when he is up from his nap because inevitably a diaper comes flying down the stairs and I hear, "he mommy, I bot diper" (Here mommy, I brought diaper)
5. His favorite food right now is Emmy Emmies (Peanut M&Ms)

4. Every time he passes our dog Max, who is always annoyed to be passed, Collin abruptly says, "Sues Me Sur" (Excuse Me Sir) even though we never say that to Max, he did this all on his own.

3. He says his mommy is his"Bef Fren"(Best Friend)

2. He gets very upset if we sing Happy Birthday to anyone but him and gets the saddest look on his face and puts his head down until we sing "Happy Birthday Collin"

1. When his brother is getting in trouble he looks right at him and snidely giggles through his teeth as if it is the most hilarious thing he has ever seen...

I love that sweet boy!!



  1. What a cute list! I love all of them! I'm sure he keeps you in stiches of laughing!!

  2. How funny! I read these to Jason and even he laughed!

  3. I can't believe all those cute things Collin is doing, what a personality. I'm a little sad that you're so far away that this little boy has changed so much in just 1 yr. and I missed it!

  4. Yes, he is a cute little boy and I love the way he yelled, 'Hi Becky' in church a few weeks ago! Such a cutie!!

  5. So sweet -- I can't believe he's so big already!
