Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again.....

Well, this week we have once again been getting back into our routine...I am wondering if the no routine time this summer has taken over the routine and become our routine...anyway...The mood needs to be lightened a bit. I don't really have anything to blog about but I feel we are due a post, so bear with me if I ramble!

This week Ben has done a gymnastics camp at Calgary Olympic Park. It has really been fun for him and me too. There is a curtain that divides two rooms, the one on the other side of Ben's kindergym camp is where the Olympic teams of Canada and Great Britain have been training this week. So we have gotten to watch some of their training which is really cool. I have always watched the gymnastics part of the Olympics on T.V., but I have never actually seen people doing all of these things in real life! I am shocked at what look like 8 yr. old little girls flailing their little bodies all around the parallel bars and such with such skill. I wonder if those little girls understand the level of their abilities? I have a friend here who has perfect pitch. When she was in jr. high or high school, she would see other friends guessing notes played and they would be wrong. She would say, "how can you not know that?" Then she realized that not everyone has perfect pitch...and she felt horrible for saying that to them! I wonder if that is what it is like for those little gymnasts. For a brief moment I wished that there was a gymnastics class for me...but I think I am way to old to contort and flail my body in all different directions! I am sure it would give anyone a good laugh though! Ahh to be 7 years old again and weigh 50 lbs!

Earle is healing this week. He seems to have pepped up a bit. I think that getting back to work has helped. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Earle's family. His mom seems to be healing as well. We have truly been lifted up by your prayers.

We have about 2 weeks until school starts for Ben! It seems like the summer has flown by! We are planning another little weekend trip to site see some in British Columbia later this month. Then, we are really looking forward to some visits in Sept. and Oct. from some close friends and family members! These fun things along with the people here that we are so much enjoying being with are going to make our next few months fly by!!

I have not taken any pics this week, but I will leave you with one from last week. We were at Earle's mom's house and the kids would stay up so late and not nap and were pretty tired. Earle went upstairs and called to me to bring up the camera. Collin had snuggled up and laid on Ben to fall asleep. They can be so sweet sometimes. ~CB


  1. Love those little boys!!! We are so glad you are back and glad you are healing. You guys will LOVE BC- it really is beautiful. You won't regret your decision to go. The drive is amazing!!

    Have I told you today how thankful I am for you? Well, I'm telling you right now!

  2. I wish I was 8 years old and 50 pounds again too!!
    That picture of them sleeping is so precious!

  3. I'm with Erin on everything she said. The trip to BC will be breathtaking, and we just love Ben & Collin too...and so do KJ&C. They are excited for our next camping adventure with you guys.

    Love you guys.

  4. That's a great pic! What a good keepsake!
